10 Day Returns Policy
No Questions Asked Return Policy!
We check all the products before dispatch. However, if you still wish to return the product you can do so by placing a return request within 10 days of successful delivery for the respective product from your login account. On placing the return request, we will pick up the product from your place via our courier partner (Shiprocket) and once confirmation of pick up is received, we will initiate the refund of your product(s) amount and will complete the refund in 7 working days to the account associated with your original payment mode in case it is a pre-paid order. In case the order is a COD order, you will be asked to send your account details via registered email id for us to process the refund to your provided bank account. Order must be return in the same condition in which it was sent with original tags and other accessories supplied with it.
Please note that this return policy doesn’t apply to accessories and undergarments.
Cancellation Policy
Order can be cancelled by the customer only if the product is not dispatched from their respective login account on the website. Once the order is dispatched no cancellation will be possible. Texperts India PL can cancel the order in case of any technical issues while processing the order.
In case the order is cancelled either by customer or seller, the order value paid by the customer will be refunded within 3 working days to the account associated with your original payment mode in case it is a pre-paid order. For COD orders refund will not be applicable in case of cancellation of order.