
No look or product on the website is recommended, approved or endorsed by any celebrity. The scrapbooks are created by users of the Website and are purely artistic conceptualizations and indicative of similar line of products or style. Texperts does not in any way assert or represent that the Products are of the same brand as worn by the celebrities. Except when stated to the contrary all images of third parties including any images of or from movies are in no way affiliated/associated or linked with Texperts and the user shall not rely on the existence of such affiliation/connection. When a movie name/title is referred to, it is used solely to describe/identify such similar Products and in no way is an assertion that such products or such association is endorsed or promoted by such movie/celebrity. Texperts shall in no case be responsible or liable for any such content generated by the users on the website.

Furthermore, it has come to our notice that fake lucky draws, fraud and scams are being circulated on behalf of Texperts by certain individuals/entities claiming they are representatives or subsidiaries or under contract with Texperts.

Texperts does not

  1. Send job offers, lucky draws or any scams by post, courier or email services.
  2. Request payment of any kind from you for any lucky draw etc.
  3. Authorized anyone to either collect money or arrive at any monetary arrangement in return for a prize against a lucky draw, fraud or any scheme.

Texperts reserves the right to take legal action, including criminal action, against such individuals/entities.

For any concern and if you receive any unauthorized, suspicious or fraudulent offers, please write an email to us at care@texperts.in
